Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's 70 Degrees Outside Today.

And for this reason, I simply had to go for a bike ride.

Bike rides are great for many reasons: it's exercise, it's actually enjoyable, you feel like you're flying when you hit a decline, et cetera, et cetera. One of the very best things is completely unrelated to movement, though, and that is the objects you see while you're riding.

Today, I spotted the following.

A child's glove (knit)
A rubber glove
Another rubber glove, about ten feet past the first
An empty KY Jelly box
A beat-up volleyball

I may have to provide updates on this list as they come.

So, I think we really can call it spring now. (Knock on wood.) I was ready, you were ready, everyone was ready, and it had to happen eventually. The start of a new season triggers in me a desire to change something, though I haven't determined exactly what. Maybe it'll be something as insignificant as my hair color, or something as weighty as my career aspirations. I never really know about these things. Just makes life more exciting that way, right?

I'm thinking I'll make cookies (from a mix, of course) this afternoon, maybe write some kind of pop culture-related piece, and get some Buffy going. I'm still working on season seven, but all it'll take at this point is some marathoning.

Gruß Gott. (That was correct, right, Laurie? I can still understand German when I hear it, but I can't write it at all. I'm thinking of independently studying it again for fun.)

1 comment:

  1. Gruess Gott indeed! Interesting assortment of objects you observed on your bike ride. I'm thinking: 2 guys, 1 girl, a plastic glove for each guy, a jar of jelly for all. Additionally, a child was playing with his volleyball while wearing knit gloves but took one glove off when he realized that it was hard to dribble a volleyball with a glove on.
